There’s no denying that our work had changed. We no longer work from a single location. We work from the office, from home, from co-working spaces and cafés, from nearshore and offshore development centres, and on a pinch we might even work on the road. We need new tools to ensure our teams can keep being productive and creative in this new hybrid world.
Remote work shouldn’t need to be isolating. Team members should get ways to collaborate visually, and they should get to do it in real time, to help solve complex tasks, independently of their location.
Sketchboard came out my own frustration with software development. The classical software diagramming tools would often be restrictive, with syntactic limitations and space limitations. Aside from that, these tools often lead to diagrams that looked finished, disencouraging team members from offering feedback and proposing changes.
Now that our teams have evolved, we frequently need to collaborate with developers in different locations. We’ve all mastered various chat applications, screen sharing and shared drives. If all else fails we still have the good old voice calls. But none of these tools allow us to collaboratively solve our tasks in a visual way.
That’s why there is now Sketchboard that focuses on rough look and feel to unofficially let teams to co-create their visual thoughts using structural sketching, whether those are sketch diagrams, freehand drafting, images (photos), clean text and comment boxes that work like real-time chat boxes where team members can take stock and offer each other feedback.
Give it a try and get in touch to tell us how this new tool works for you and your team. We’ll be happy to hear from you!
Saiki Tanabe,
Founder @SketchboardIO
info [at]